The Best 60 and Over Workout

The Best 60 and Over Workout

What’s the Best 60 and Over Workout? The best 60 and over workout is one that combines aerobic training with strength and flexibility moves.  The goal should be to train for performance – incorporating strength and flexibility – but also elevating your heart rate...
Supermodel Legs

Supermodel Legs

To get supermodel legs, you need to maintain a balance between your strength moves and your cardio. You want to build toned, athletic muscle, but also lean down your thighs and calves to have that slender, supermodel look. Here are some tips to get Supermodel Legs...
Six Pack Tricks

Six Pack Tricks

These Six Pack Tricks will enable you to accelerate weight loss so you can get a flat, toned stomach quickly. The tricks here come from both the fitness and nutrition side, and when you combine them are powerful and will get you results quickly. Six Pack Workout For a...
What is the Best Lean Drink?

What is the Best Lean Drink?

If you’re looking for a lean drink to consume during your workout, don’t be sold on the Vitamin Waters, Gatorades, Protein Shakes, and all the other processed and sugary options out there. The leanest drink you can consume to lean you down fast during your workout has...
Burn Fat While You Travel

Burn Fat While You Travel

If you’re on a get lean plan and are traveling, you want to stick to your routine even when you’re away from home so you continue to burn fat.  Many people complain that one of the biggest obstacles to achieving their get lean goals is their travel...
How To Increase Your Mental Strength

How To Increase Your Mental Strength

To get lean now and for the long run, you need to increase both mental and physical strength.  Everyone at the gym is working on improving physical strength, that’s a given. But the mental is just as important, because without mental fortitude you can never maintain...