The best sports drink to get lean, ironically, is actually no sports drink at all.  Once you are able to fuel your workouts on water alone — eliminating high fructose corn syrup, artificial dyes, and many other processed ingredients from what you consume — you will begin to reach a new level of lean body fitness.

Why is Water the Best Sports Drink?

Water is the best sports drink because it has zero calories and will allow you to limit your calorie consumption so you can get lean fast.

Mission Lean is all about teaching you sustainable strategies for you to lean down, blast fast, and achieve your perfect body goals.  The headline of this post is actually a trick question – there is no “best sports drink” because the best sports drink in the world is actually water.

Transitioning to only drinking water during your workout will take some time.  It may take a month or more before you’re feeling good, especially if you’re accustomed to fueling with a sports drink.  Naturally, you might need a sugar boost mid-workout. Bring an apple or pear with you and eat this at the moment when you feel a bit light-headed (if this happens).

What sports drink should I drink if I want some sugar?

If you want sugar from a sports drink during your workout, you need to change your way of thinking and start eating fruit alongside the water you drink.  In this way, you will be eating whole, fresh, unprocessed ingredients that will give you that sugar boost, without the added dyes and processed ingredients from sports drinks.

Snacking on fresh, whole fruits and veggies is the way to go.  Veggies are better to eat for fuel before or after a workout, but fruit is best to consume for that added sugar boost mid-training.  Blast fat and lean down big time with this great trick. Sports drinks are heavily processed and contain many artificial ingredients. Just because the label might say “organic…”  it doesn’t mean that it’s good for you.

Are you ready for a lean body app to help you get lean fast?

If you are looking for a lean body app to guide you towards getting lean and fit, try Mission Lean for a free trial.  There are many more instructions and other tricks for how to get leaner, fitter and healthier Mission Lean shows you the way to blast fast, lose weight, and build the lean, athletic body for men and for women.  We’ve made it as simple and accessible as possible so that you can live lean. You can also try some of our free resources.


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