Give 100% in every workout that you complete. It will pay dividends in the longrun.

Give 100% in every workout that you complete. It will pay dividends in the longrun.

If you want to blast fat in your workout, you need to focus on the LAST SET of your training.  It is here that the champions are made — so really dig deep and give it your all.

If you want to lose belly fat, get toned, and build lean muscle, it’s all about focusing your energy during your last set, during the last few minutes of your run and at the end of your workout.  This is the only way to take your lean fitness to the next level.

Strategies To Go the Distance

Let’s say you’re doing some legs moves.  You’ve gone through your routine, and you’re about to move on.  Don’t do it yet – get in one extra set after you think you’ve exhausted the tank.  When you think you can’t go any longer… go just a little bit longer. Your body is often stronger than your mind is telling you.

If you want flat abs and your perfect body, you don’t need to do crunches or squats all day — whatever exercise you’re doing, just push it one step further and give everything you have.  By getting in one more set — whether it’s an upper body or lower body exercise — you’re going to tap into your reserves and blast fat, resulting in gorgeous lean muscle tone all over your body.  You want to tap into your belly fat as reserves so you can expose that incredible six-pack.

Also use this trick at the end of your workout.  Before heading into the locker room, get in one more exercise — maybe a max set of push-ups, or a 2 minute sprint on the treadmill.  By getting in that last push, you’re going to achieve a lasting body transformation, boost your metabolism, and lose weight forever. The last few reps/minutes/seconds is where all of the difference gets made.

Try this out in your next workout and watch your body transform.  Let’s go crush it!


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